Static PayNow QR

The Static PayNow QR payment method allows you to assign each user/customer with their own unique PayNow QR code, which accepts an open amount.

referenceIdMandatoryStringThis is used for idempotency and should typically be a "customer id" or "wallet id" on your platform.
bankShortCodeOptionalStringAvailable option: "fazz".
idOptionalStringid is retrieved from the Customer Profile API's response id. Mandatory if you're considered to be in a high-risk industry.

Example of Static PayNow QR payment method request

# POST api/v4/payment_methods/paynow
    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "referenceId": "unique_reference_123",
          	"bankShortCode": "fazz"

Example of Static PayNow QR payment method response

# Response: 201 Created
    "data": {
        "id": "payment_method_b7fab53a-3c82-4c49-a531-1fd328336165",
        "type": "paynow",
        "attributes": {
            "referenceId": "referencef",
            "instructions": {
                "proxyType": "VPA",
                "proxyValue": "UEN202204250RABC#FAZZ",
                "extEndToEndId": "paynowe3e920791725012345",
                "qrCodeDisplayImage": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAASwAAAEsEAYAAA..."

Virtual Account (Unlimited)

The Unlimited Virtual Account (VA) payment method allows you to assign each customer their own unique VA, which accepts an open amount.

referenceIdMandatoryStringThis is used for idempotency and should typically be a "customer id" or "wallet id" on your platform.
idOptionalStringid is retrieved from the Customer Profile API's response id. Mandatory if you're considered to be in a high-risk industry.
bankShortCodeMandatoryStringThe bank code used for creating the virtual account Payment Method. This should clearly identify a bank in the region that you want your customer to make a transfer to. This should usually be the bank that the end-customer will be making a transfer from. Available options: "FAZZ" or "CIMB".

Example of Unlimited VA payment method request.

# POST api/v4/payment_methods/virtual_bank_accounts
    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "referenceId": "unique_refff88",
            "bankShortCode": "fazz"

Example of Unlimited VA payment method response.

# Response: 201 Created
    "data": {
        "id": "payment_method_c09c2e18-a5de-4e83-866f-af9d2a217810",
        "type": "virtual_bank_account",
        "attributes": {
            "referenceId": "reference001",
            "instructions": {
                "bankShortCode": "FAZZ",
                "bankName": "Xfers Pte Ltd",
                "accountNo": "3443526046970"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!