Unlimited Payments

1. Create a Payment Method

To start accepting payments on your website, app or platform, you will need to create a Payment Method object that will help capture the payments made by your customers.

When creating a Payment Method object , make sure you bind it to one of your customers. This will ensure that you know who has made a payment when we notify you of a successful payment.

The payment method type is chosen as part of the URL of the API call. Below, you'll be able to see an example of a Payment Method being created with the Virtual Account type.

# /api/v4/payment_methods/virtual_bank_accounts
  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "bankShortCode": "CIMB",
      "referenceId": "va_reference_id"

Find out more about available Payment Methods.

2. Show payment instructions to your customer

When creating a payment method that will capture payments made by your customers, it is likely that you will need to show your customers instructions on how to make the payments.

The response of Payment Method created will include instructions that you should show to your end-customers. Do remind them that they will need to perform additional actions in order to complete the payment, for example making a bank transfer through online bank transfers.

  "data": {
    "id": "va_6f13f61a9a9e12281054db945d88f430",
    "type": "virtual_bank_account",
    "attributes": {
      "referenceId": "va_reference_id",
      // Show your customers the payment instructions below
      "instructions": {
        "bankShortCode": "CIMB",
        "bankName": "CIMB Bank Berhad",
        "accountNo": "8848095778242337"

3. Get notified when payments have been made successfully

Once your customer has made a payment successfully, we will notify you with a successful payment callback. The payment's status will now be paid.

  "id": "contract_0266212d3c744aceb5de0e48fa6d730b",
  "type": "payment",
  "attributes": {
    "status": "paid", // Note the status is shown as "paid" at this step
    "amount": "10000.0",
    "createdAt": "2020-08-14T14:32:33+07:00",
    "description": null,
    "expiredAt": null,
    "referenceId": "external_id_1a5fefff02",
    "fees": "55.0",
    "paymentMethod": {
      "type": "virtual_bank_account",
      "referenceId": "va_reference_id",
      "instructions": {
        "bankShortCode": "CIMB",
        "bankName": "CIMB Bank Berhad",
        "accountNo": "8848095778242337"

At this point of time, you should be able to safely present the payment results to your customer, and you may now fulfill your order. However, the funds may not yet be available for withdrawal, or transfer.

4. Get notified when funds are available for withdrawal or transfer

Another callback will be fired to notify you when the funds for a successful payment is now available for transfer or withdrawal. The status of the payment will now be completed.

  "id": "contract_0266212d3c744aceb5de0e48fa6d730b",
  "type": "payment",
  "attributes": {
    "status": "completed", // Note the status is shown as "completed" at this step
    "amount": "10000.0",
    "createdAt": "2020-08-14T14:32:33+07:00",
    "description": null,
    "expiredAt": null,
    "referenceId": "external_id_1a5fefff02",
    "fees": "55.0",
    "paymentMethod": {
      "type": "virtual_bank_account",
      "referenceId": "va_reference_id",
      "instructions": {
        "bankShortCode": "CIMB",
        "bankName": "CIMB Bank Berhad",
        "accountNo": "8848095778242337"