Payment Methods

Learn about the payment methods you can use to accept payments.

Available payment methods

Payment methodType parameterDescription
Virtual Bank Accountvirtual_bank_accountAccepts payments via bank transfers into virtual bank accounts that can be created for one of your users, or expected transactions.
PayNowpaynowPayNow is the most widely used alternative form of payment method in Singapore which relies on the Unique Entity Number (UEN) of a company instead of relying on lengthy bank account numbers.

We will continue to add local payment methods that will help you reach an even broader range of customers, whether by geography or demographics.

Available banks

To access the list of banks in the FAST Network, do kindly refer to the link here.

Payment flows

Bank transfer payments will require additional actions from your customers in order for the payment to complete. You will need to be able to handle asynchronous payment results. Make sure to configure callbacks so that we can notify you of successful payments.

Recurring payments

Our static payment methods continuously poll for incoming payments. This allows you to receive recurring payments as long as you show the same payment instructions to your customers. You will not be able to "pull" payments from your customers for now. Your customers will have to perform actions to make the payments.

To learn more, take a look at the docs of each payment method!

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